EU ZEP is supported by the European Union and receives funding from Horizon Europe (grant n°101075790)



ZEP Conference on CO2 Transport and Storage Infrastructure

On 28 January, the Zero Emissions Platform organised a conference on “How European CO2 Transport and Storage infrastructure can enable an innovative industrial transition” at the European Parliament. The conference was hosted by Tom Berendsen MEP (EPP, NL) and Jens Geier MEP (S&D, DE). The conference was well attended with a turnout of almost 100

2023-08-31T18:52:09+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Archive, Event, News|

ZEP General Assembly 2018

ZEP's Annual General assembly brought together the EU’s leading stakeholders on CCS to address the key issues and challenges facing the technology in Europe

2023-08-31T18:44:48+00:00September 2nd, 2018|Archive, Event|
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