EU ZEP is supported by the European Union and receives funding from Horizon Europe (grant n°101075790)



ZEP Note – Complementary Climate Delegated Act: Inclusion of natural gas as sustainable in the Taxonomy

The European Commission has on 2 February 2022 approved the Complementary Climate Delegated Act of the EU Taxonomy (CDA), including nuclear power and natural gas as sustainable activities. The Council and European Parliament have four months to either approve or reject the legislation but may request an additional two months. Key elements are highlighted in this ZEP briefing.

2023-09-04T01:19:55+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Archive, News|

ZEP Briefing – €1.7 billion innovation funding under EIC

The Commission adopted on 9 February 2022 the 2022 work programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC). Launched in 2021, the EIC helps startups, SMEs and research teams to develop high-risk, high-impact breakthrough innovation. It has a budget of over €10 billion for the 2021-2027 period. Key elements are highlighted in this ZEP briefing.

2023-09-04T02:43:46+00:00February 10th, 2022|Archive|

ZEP Briefing – Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles

On 15 December, for the first time, the European Commission presented a Communication to support carbon dioxide removals. Key elements of the communication of relevance for CCS, CCU, and CO2 infrastructure are highlighted in this ZEP briefing.

2023-08-31T19:00:28+00:00December 17th, 2021|Archive, News|

ZEP briefing – Outcome of negotiations on TEN-E regulation

The European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement during inter-institutional (trilogue) negotiations on the proposal for a Regulation on the Trans-European Energy Network (TEN-E) guidelines on 14 December 2021.

2023-09-04T02:43:46+00:00December 17th, 2021|Archive|
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