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Bioenergy combined with Carbon Capture and Storage – Deployment examples (ETIP Bioenergy)

Home|Bioenergy combined with Carbon Capture and Storage – Deployment examples (ETIP Bioenergy)
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ZEP is partnering with ETIP Bioenergy to organise the first session of their webinar series on key topics in the renewable fuels and bioenergy sector. 


ETIP Bioenergy is conducting a series of webinars with the purpose of spreading knowledge on key topics in the renewable fuels and bioenergy sector, addressing and involving stakeholders from industry, academia and authorities.

Organised in partnership with ETIP Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP), this first webinar will explore the state-of-play for bioenergy combined with carbon and capture storage (bio-CCS) and provide industry examples of their deployment. The webinar offers also the opportunity to exchange with speakers and discuss where they see opportunities for applying these technologies, and which barriers currently hinder their further deployment.

Register: Bio CCS – Deployment Examples: Participants and Speakers ( 

Event details and Agenda 

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