EU ZEP is supported by the European Union and receives funding from Horizon Europe (grant n°101075790)



Press Release: Over 50 European industry representatives urge the European Commission to prioritise Industrial Carbon Management

51 CEOs and executives from leading industries, civil society and research call on the President of the European Commission to implement an EU Action Plan for industrial carbon management.

2024-11-04T09:24:40+01:00October 24th, 2024|News|

Recommendations for the certification of carbon removals

The Carbon Removal and Carbon Farming (CRCF) regulation provides a fundamental framework to ensure that CDR activities remove CO2 from the atmosphere permanently. Building on eight key recommendations, this report advise the work of the European Commission for the development of methodologies certifying permanent carbon removal activities such as BECCS and DACCS.

2024-11-04T09:24:41+01:00October 7th, 2024|News, ZEP reports|

Open letter: Harnessing the IPCEI mechanism to boost CCS and CCU

31 members of the industrial carbon management community and several umbrella organisations have come together to emphasise of supporting an IPCEI dedicated to industrial carbon management.

2024-11-04T09:24:42+01:00June 17th, 2024|News, ZEP position papers|

ZEP feedback ‘EU emissions trading system (ETS) – update of the rules for monitoring and reporting emissions’

ZEP welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft implementing regulation on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.

2024-11-04T09:25:25+01:00August 23rd, 2023|News, ZEP consultation responses|
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