In light of the revision of the EU ETS Directive, ZEP would like to share some comments on the adopted act. The key points outlined in the response are:
- Regarding the outcome on CO2 transport – operated by pipeline, ship and truck – it should be clarified that this includes all CO2 transport modalities, for example train and barge. This is crucial for the development of CCS projects. Inclusion of all CO2 transport modalities should also be reflected across associated European legislation.
- The phrasing on CCU is aligned with ZEP’s recommendations and should be preserved.
- The EU ETS Innovation Fund is a key tool to support the development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. There should be a distinction between the current set-up of the Innovation Fund and the different set-up which will also support road and maritime transport and buildings. Ensuring that sufficient funding is available for lowcarbon technologies, such as CCS and CCU, is crucial.
- Further clarification is needed regarding the setup of carbon contracts for difference under the Innovation Fund and ZEP is looking forward to giving input in this process.