EU ZEP is supported by the European Union and receives funding from Horizon Europe (grant n°101075790)


107, 2020

A Trans-European CO2 Transportation Infrastructure for CCUS: Opportunities & Challenges

July 1st, 2020|

This report looks at the challenges and opportunities for CO2 transport in Europe, including pipelines and other modes of transport. It provides an overview of CO2 transportation, particularly in industrial clusters, and highlights the importance of developing dedicated business models, as well as enabling policy framework, for CO2 transportation. This report is particularly relevant in the context of the European Green Deal, as CO2 infrastructure is crucial to deliver large-scale decarbonisation across industry and energy sectors, which will be necessary to achieve climate-neutrality. 

2505, 2020

Report outline – CCS enables early and cost-efficient clean hydrogen at scale

May 25th, 2020|

This 5-page report outline focuses on how to kick-start a European clean hydrogen economy. A more extensive report on this subject is planned for autumn 2020. This paper aims at providing input on how the European Commission can enable a European clean hydrogen market with clean hydrogen from natural gas with CCS. The extended version of the report will expand on the technological matters of clean hydrogen production and hydrogen infrastructure, and will indicate what the necessary policy framework could look like.

302, 2020

The cost of subsurface storage of CO2

February 3rd, 2020|

CO2 underground storage is a safe and mature technology ready for broad implementation, as evidenced by over twenty years of successful storage offshore in Norway, combined with more recent onshore storage in Canada and the USA. In Europe, CCS benefits from a clear set of regulations and requirements under the 2009 EU CO2 Storage Directive that ensure the identification of appropriate storage sites and the safety of subsequent operation.

911, 2019

CO2 Storage Safety in the North Sea: Implications of the CO2 Storage Directive

November 9th, 2019|

CO2 underground storage is a safe and mature technology ready for broad implementation, as evidenced by over twenty years of successful storage offshore in Norway, combined with more recent onshore storage in Canada and the USA. In Europe, CCS benefits from a clear set of regulations and requirements under the 2009 EU CO2 Storage Directive that ensure the identification of appropriate storage sites and the safety of subsequent operation.

1206, 2017

ZEP has published a new report “Climate solutions for EU industry: interaction between electrification, CO2 use and CO2 storage”

June 12th, 2017|

ZEP has published a new report "Climate solutions for EU industry: interaction between electrification, CO2 use and CO2 storage" ZEP Climate Solutions for EU Industry report

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