“Supporting Europe’s 2050 climate targets through Carbon Capture and Storage”
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will have a key role to play in Europe’s industrial transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. CCS are proven, cost-efficient technologies, that are available now and necessary for Europe to reach its target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
On 2 June, the Zero Emissions Platform and the Global CCS Institute co-organised a webinar as part of EU Green Week 2021, focusing on how CCS can support reaching a climate-neutral EU by 2050. With expert speakers joining from industry and policy, the webinar considered opportunities and challenges for CCS projects in Europe, incentivising CCS, the important role of cross-border European CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, and assessing up-and-coming regions, well placed to support CCS and climate neutrality targets.
Webinar programme
- Setting the scene for the event, Lamberto Eldering, Vice-Chair of ZEP, provided an overview of CCS in Europe, from early developments to the current status. There is renewed and growing interest in CCS for industry, and the 2020s decade is crucial to develop CCS, make the technologies investable, and to scale up development.
- Discussing CCS from a policy perspective, Vincent Basuyau, DG GROW, European Commission, highlighted the increased ambition for zero and low carbon technologies and business concepts to be developed and tested at scale in this decade to meet the EU’s climate neutrality ambitions.
- A panel discussion followed, moderated by Guloren Turan, General Manager of Advocacy and Communications at Global CCS Institute, focusing on opportunities for CCS projects in Europe, European industrial decarbonisation, how to incentivise CCS, and up-and-coming CCS developments. Audun Røsjorde, Director of CCS Technology and Knowledge Hub at Gassnova, Luca Giansanti, Head of European Government Affairs at Eni, and Vianney De Buchet, VP Energy Transition Europe at Air Liquide joined the discussion.
Watch the recording below: