“How European CO2 Transport and Storage Infrastructure
can enable an Innovative Industrial Transition”
European Parliament, Room JAN 6Q1
28 January 2020 | 16:00 – 20:00
The changes in the energy sector over the last decade have been dramatic. It is only a foretaste of what is to come with the European Green Deal and the goal of net-zero by 2050. This transition means unprecedented challenges for energy, industry and society as a whole, but at the same time it unlocks opportunities for Europe to become a global leader in the climate transition. Breakthrough technologies such as CCUS (Carbon Capture Storage and Utilisation) are competitive, cost-effective and available for large-scale deployment – essential to help policy makers ensure a transition that is beneficial to every part of the European economy.
This event provides fresh perspectives on how a European CO2 infrastructure can enable the industrial transition towards net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, bringing together key stakeholders to discuss the role of CCUS technologies in achieving this goal.
Dutch MEP Tom Berendsen, shadow rapporteur for the European Parliament own-initiative report on “A new long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future”, and Jens Geier MEP will host the event. The discussions will be followed by presentations of ground-breaking European CCUS projects and a networking reception.
16:00 Start
16:30 Opening remarks by Tom Berendsen (EPP, NL), MEP host
16:40 Interview, moderated by Sonja van Renssen, freelance energy and climate journalist
- Graeme Sweeney, Chairman, ZEP
- Hans van Steen, Director Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, DG ENER, European Commission
17:00 Panel debate and Q&A, moderated by Sonja van Renssen, Energy Post
- Hans van Steen
- Benjamin Denis, IndustriALL
- Mark Driessen, Manager Public Affairs, Port of Rotterdam Authority
- Per Sandberg, Senior Advisor, Equinor
- Henry Smyth, Head of Market Development, ERVIA
- Rob van der Meer, EU Director, HeidelbergCement
18:20 Closing remarks by Jens Geier (S&D, DE), MEP host
18:30 Presentation of CCUS projects and networking reception
Address by
- Haitze Siemers, Head of Unit New Energy Technologies, Innovation and Clean Coal, European Commission, DG ENER
- European CCUS projects
- Northern Lights
- Porthos
- Athos
- Acorn CCS Project
- CCU – Power-to-methane
- CCU – Power to liquid hydrocarbons by Sunfire