With the availability of proven, affordable CO2 storage sites critical to the development of CCS in Europe, ZEP recommends establishing up to six new storage pilots by 2016. Focusing on deep saline aquifers – on- and offshore – the pilots will complement CCS demonstration projects, accelerate state-of-the-art technology and showcase successful CO2 storage across Europe.

Key recommendations include:

  • Selecting sites which will enable meaningful, scientific R&D
  • Maximising the benefits of CCS for local communities
  • Supporting the deployment of Europe’s CO2 transport infrastructure
  • Financing storage pilots from a combination of sources
  • Simplifying the permitting process and relieving projects of the burden of liability
  • Maximising knowledge-sharing with EU and international CCS demonstration projects

Accelerating the demonstration of CO2 geological storage in Europe (PDF – 323.15kb)